01. 1919 Marie
01. 1919 Marie
02. 1922 Marie
03. 1922 Marie at age 4 years
04. 1922 Marie, Ray, & Mom (Bess)
05. 1922 Marie & Ray
06. 1923 Marie the Ballerina
07. 1924 Marie still dancing
08. 1925 Marie
09. 1925 Halloween
10. 1925 Marie & Florence Anderson (cousin) as flower girls at Stella Langner & Frank Remblos Wedding
11. 1928 Marie, Ray & Dad (Martin)
12. 1929 Marie
13. 1931 Marie's Communion
14. 1932 Look at Dad's Car
15. 1932 Marie at 14 years old
16. 1933 High School Buddies - Florence, Marie & Adelyne
17. 1933 Marie & Ray
18. 1933 Marie at 15 years old
19. 1934 Marie looking lovely at Sweet 16
20. 1934 Harry Pietrzak appears on Marie's life
21. 1934 World's Fair
22. 1935 Marie & Harry dating
23. 1936 High School Graduate with parents
24. 1936 Marie's JSM yearbook photo
25. 1936 Looks like Harry is sticking around!
26. 1936 winter
27. The 'come hither' look
28. 30 Apr 1938
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Pietrzak
Many of the pictures displayed are small versions. Simply click on the image to see a bigger image.
Our thanks to Marsha Bryant for graciously hosting this LANGNER Family History website on her server.